CFMTA is presenting two awards of $250 each to the two entries judged as the most worthy by a panel of judges from across Canada. All branches in Canada are eligible to submit an application.

These awards are made possible by the generous annual donation of William Andrews of Toronto, ON.

William Andrews is an excellent musician and is supportive of young musicians. In addition to his financial support for CFMTA, he is our travel agent for delegate travel and special events.

La CFMTA/FCAPM remet deux prix de 250 $ chacun aux deux candidatures jugées comme étant les plus méritantes par les membres du jury provenant de partout au Canada.

Toutes les divisions canadiennes peuvent soumettre une demande.
Ces prix sont rendus possibles grâce aux généreux dons annuels de William Andrews de Toronto, Ontario.

M. Andrews est un musicien d'excellence qui appuie les jeunes musiciens. En plus de son soutien financier envers la FCAPM, il est l'agent de voyages de nos délégués et lors de nos événements spéciaux.

Past Winners / Gagnants passés

2022 - Central Toronto, Ontario - Halifax, Nova Scotia

2021 - Coquitlam/Maple Ridge, British Columbia - Newmarket & Area, Ontario

2020 - North Island, British Columbia

2019 - Lethbridge, Alberta - Halifax, Nova Scotia

2018 - Prince Edward Island - Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario

2017 - Abbotsford, British Columbia  -  North Island, British Columbia

2016 - Owen Sound, Ontario  -  Central Toronto, Ontario

2015 - Swift Current, Saskatchewan  -  Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario

2014 - North Shore, British Columbia  -  Barrie, Ontario

2013 - North Shore, British Columbia  -  Halifax, Nova Scotia

2012 - Newmarket & Area, Ontario  -  Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario

2011 - Halifax, Nova Scotia

2010 - North Island, British Columbia  -  Charlottetown - Prince Edward Island

2009 - South Fraser, British Columbia  -  Halifax, Nova Scotia