September 19 - Topic Teaching Adult Students - and Pedagogy corner - Far Away by Tereas Richert and Just Kidding

Teaching Adults - Feedback from the chat:

  • I don’t count my adult students income wise, they are bonuses. This way when they have to miss it is not that bad.
  • Books suggested - Adult Piano Adventures, Adult Piano Adventures All-in-one, Thompson, Aaron, Berlin and Fletcher have such tuneful melodies
  • I find that the Alfred and Faber books rely too much on popular and folk tunes so the student winds up playing by ear rather than learning to read.
  • has awesome material that is simple but mature sounding - purchase as studio license for multiple use
  • Wunderkeys also has a series for Older Beginners which is suitable for adults
  • For easy arrangements, going online to you can find many songs
  • Adults are fun. And yes we do chat a bit. And we have amazing “Adult Social and Recital Nights”. Only adults and with snacks and drinks of choice….
  • Where to send an arrangement you did and you make 10% of the arrangement sold -
  • For String instruments: American string orchestra method: String Basics, 3 levels, individual books for each string instrument. Also has audio demo and practisce tracks. Cello teaching Bible: L.R. Feuillard the Young Violoncellist's Method. Uses teacher-student duets throughout and covers all the foundational skills. Suzuki Method books-tried and true and give a great sense of acomplishment. Yellow Cello-"the only cello scale book you will ever need" only available on Amazon, unfortunately). For positions, the Mick Rooney book Position Pieces for cello is marvellous (all his books are). A cello website I realy love is called
  • I use them all! Technique book to keep track of which scales and arpeggios are learned, repertoire and études books to add beautiful tunes alongside all the exercise-type material they are playing. Using RCM levels gives students a reference by which to note their progress, generally other method books go at the same pace-so say a book 2 in another method will cover the same technical aspects as level 2 RCM.

Pedagogy Corner - Far Away by Tereas Richert and Just Kidding

  • Strengths for teaching:

    • Rote learning and/or Copy Cat (RH)

    • Easier to play than to read the notes

    • Straight-forward damper pedal use

  • Challenges for teaching:

    • Dynamic control

    • Expressive playing

    • Octave moves with a steady beat

    • Hand position, rounded keys

  • Pre-teaching ideas:

    • Improvisation on the black keys, solo and/or teacher duets

    • Rhythm matches title

  • Similar pieces:

    • Pattern Play 1

    • Book, Six Flats, Concept Collection 1 from Vibrant Music Teaching Membership

    • Midnight Ride, Ian Green (book Super Studies vol. 2)

    • Ocean Falls, Jen Smith Lanthier (book Voyageur, Late Elementary)

  • Leads into:

    • Contrapuntal styles

    • Imitative inventions

    • Knowledge and comfort playing with black keys & hefty key signatures


April 18 - Topic: Teacher Resources and Student Programs at Conservatory Canada, presented by Executive Director, Derek Oger

March 21 - The topic was about recitals - themes - books - etc....

Books Suggestions

  • One Handed solo book series - Grand One-Handed Solos for Piano - Melody Bober - Alfred Publishing
  • One Hand pieces
    • Barbara Wanless - Rainbow of Sounds
    • Left only Right On - Joyce Grill

Recital Themes

  • Group Lesson - a combination recital and report on a musical subject
  • By era - Baroque, Classical....
  • Halloween
  • Duets only
  • Donations for a food bank
  • Songs from a movie - Home Alone was an example

Talked about:

  • Duplicates of a song
  • People coming in late/or leaving early
  • Memory

Some really great ideas and interaction with the attendees.

January 18 - The topic was Fun with History - here is the list of books, links and ideas that were discussed.

October 19 - This is part 2 of the session we started in September

Click HERE for a PDF of poll results, books discussed and more.

September 28 - Priorities for the first term of lessons

Laura & Dina are hosting and directing the topics!  We have no affiliation or benefit from any resources or products, and remember that we’re here to share great resources and great ideas.

We are hoping that this Chat will take on a very conversational style, with lots of input and audience participation.  Please add your comments to the chat.  We’ll be tapping into those concepts and ideas and discussing how to incorporate some of the curriculum concepts.

Click HERE for a PDF of the results of the polls and the information that was included in the Chats

August 24 - Connecting Canada Teacher Chat - Panelists were Joyce Janzen (BC) and Sandra DiCienzo (ON)

Goal Setting - Interview with new students and their parent; Ongoing feedback from students about their musical preferences; Including a few sentences in a welcome-back email stating your goals and hopes for what the returning student may be accomplishing this year.

Performances - Halloween and/or Christmas recitals; Branch events in the Fall; Overlapping lesson performances; Making videos to send to family/friends; Sr. level drop-in performance clubs.

Studio Practice Incentives - Photos on the studio walls of student accomplishments; Practice Like A Pro Chart (see link); Bulletin boards for student stickers; Stand-out Student profiles. If you offer extra incentives, let parents know of the added value they are getting from lessons with you.

Approaching Parents - Generally an e-mail will allow you to express yourself well and provide a record of the conversation; Sometimes a parent meeting is necessary to discuss aligning goals.

Motivating Repertoire Choices for Kick-Starting the Year - Wendy Stevens Evening Rain; Andrea Dow’s Very Useful Piano Library; Daniel McFarlane Super Sonics; Chrissy Ricker Let’s Quest.

Links - Practice Like a Pro

Books mentioned - Hal Leonard - HL00296683 - HL00296450

Website links

February 17 - Studio Policies - topics varied from missed lessons, make up lessons, holidays during scheduled lessons, options on how to deal with it - very engaging discussion and ideas.

January 20 - Our invited guest was Gary Wozny - on bookkeeping practices and tax matters - here is a link to the hand out 

November 18 - Topics
  • Canadian composers share their live performances and composition inspirations to kick off Canada Music Week.
    • There were 5 composers who presented
    • 37 members zoomed in
    • The format of having composers present by playing and talking about their music, followed by a Q-A and discussion afterwards worked well, and gave everyone ample time
    • The chat line was well used - many commented enthusiastically about how they liked the session
    • Composers offered to let teachers contact them through their website or email
    • Rebekah Maxner's challenge to everyone "to compose a piece of music for their student every month?!"
      • Anita Perry: Email:

      • Kathleen Feenstra: Website:

      • Rebekah Maxner: Website:  Email:

      • Lori Jede: Website:   Email:

      • Susan Griesdale: Website:  Email:

October 21- Topics
  • Everett Hopfner from Brandon, Manitoba discusses preparing students for performance. Prof. Hopfner is a sessional instructor at Brandon University and is the Director of the Eckhardt-Gramatté Conservatory of Music.
    • Everett Hopfner shared tips and tricks for helping students prepare for performance. An engaging speaker, Everett’s presentation was viewed by over 40 RMTAs across Canada. The audience participation was much appreciated.

September 23 - Topics
  • Planning to celebrate Canada Music Week, featuring William Andrews Award winning branches
    •  Karen Wood and Ingrid Fast from the Coquitlam/Maple Ridge Branch of BCRMTA went over the process of getting ready for their event in 2021 - setting up, getting students ready, workshop. Very interesting and helpful ideas
  • Organizing digital music and resources
    • Apps discussed - ForScore - PiaScore - Henle app
    • Pros and Cons of different sized tablets
    • Foot pedal (for page turning) - Donner Wireless Page Turner Pedal for Digital Devices (Black)
    • Microphones to improve sound from students

Great collaboration between attendees

August 19 - Topics
  • Welcoming new and returning students & families into your studio with friendly boundaries.
  • Choosing and using repertoire beyond your “go-to” piece.

Suggestions from attendees

  • platform
  • Books
    • Teacher-Student Piano Duets - original pieces selected and edited by Gayle Kowalchyk & E.L Lancaster, Alfred Publishing
    • Wunderkeys - Andrea and Trevor Dow
    • Diane Hidy - Mean Little Monsters -
    • Wendy Stevensl - her website is
    • Rebekah Maxner from Nova Scotia