2019 – October
Title: Risk, Regroup, Rebound: Stage Fright in Music Performance
Presenter: Dr. Christine Vanderkooy
Description: Dimish the taboo and outline coping strategies
Source: 2019 National Conference held in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Some of the world’s most formidable concert artists have described the psychological and physiological effects of Music Performance Anxiety as debilitating. This discussion on the commonplace realities of stage fright aims to diminish the taboo and outline coping strategies.

Link to YouTube video mentions in presentation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n89F9YKPNOg

Dr. Christine Vanderkooy has performed as a soloist across Canada, the United States and Europe, including a European recital tour funded by the SSHRC General Research Fund/ President’s Fund. Her CD Schubert and Schumann, recorded at the Banff Centre for the Arts, was funded by a University of Regina grant, and promoted by Toronto publicist, Jane Harbury, with grant funding from Creative Saskatchewan. This recording features two important solo works from the romantic piano literature and has enjoyed critical acclaim including a cover story for Tempo magazine, and radio play on CBC and stations across Canada and the U.S.