2018 – October
Title: Melody Writing, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Presenter: Lori-Lynn Penny
Bachelor of Music (BMus) in Elementary School Music; a graduate Diploma of Fine Arts (DipFA) in the Kodály Concept of Music Education; and a Master of Arts (MA) in Music Theory
Description: Tips on teaching melody writing requirements in Celebrate Theory Levels 1 to 8
Source: ORMTA

Lori Lynn Penny has taught all subjects of music theory at all levels for more than 35 years. She is a member of the Royal Conservatory’s College of Theoretical Examiners, marking rudiments, harmony, and history examinations. She is also a writer for Frederick Harris, co-authoring the Conservatory’s Celebrate Theory series – preparatory to level 8. Lori Lynn received a Bachelor of Music in Elementary School Music and a graduate Diploma of Fine Arts with a specialization in the Kodály Concept of Music Education, both from the University of Calgary. She completed a Master of Arts in Music Theory at the University of Ottawa and is currently finishing a Doctorate in Education with research on the topic of music theory pedagogy.